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Conas ríomhphost agus ceangaltáin a thiontú nó a shábháil ar chomhad PDF amháin in Outlook?

Údar: Siluvia Athraithe Deiridh: 2024-08-28

Tá an t-alt seo ag caint ar theachtaireacht ríomhphoist agus gach ceangaltán inti a shábháil ar chomhad PDF amháin in Outlook.

Ríomhphost agus ceangaltáin a thiontú nó a shábháil ar chomhad PDF amháin le cód VBA

Ríomhphost agus ceangaltáin a thiontú nó a shábháil ar chomhad PDF amháin le cód VBA

Déan mar a leanas le do thoil chun ríomhphost a shábháil lena cheangaltáin uile ar chomhad PDF amháin in Outlook.

1. Roghnaigh r-phost le ceangaltáin a shábhálfaidh tú chuig comhad PDF amháin, agus ansin brúigh an Eile + F11 eochracha a oscailt Microsoft Visual Basic d’Fheidhmchláir fhuinneog.

2. Sa Microsoft Visual Basic d’Fheidhmchláir fuinneog, cliceáil Ionsáigh > Modúil. Agus ansin cóipeáil an cód VBA thíos i bhfuinneog an Mhodúil.

Cód VBA: Sábháil ríomhphost agus ceangaltán le comhad PDF amháin

Public Sub MergeMailAndAttachsToPDF()
'Update by Extendoffice 2018/3/5
Dim xSelMails As MailItem
Dim xFSysObj As FileSystemObject
Dim xOverwriteBln As Boolean
Dim xLooper As Integer
Dim xEntryID As String
Dim xNameSpace As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim xMail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim xExt As String
Dim xSendEmailAddr, xCompanyDomain As String
Dim xWdApp As Word.Application
Dim xDoc, xNewDoc As Word.Document
Dim I As Integer
Dim xPDFSavePath As String
Dim xPath As String
Dim xFileArr() As String
Dim xExcel As Excel.Application
Dim xWb As Workbook
Dim xWs As Worksheet
Dim xTempDoc As Word.Document

On Error Resume Next
If (Outlook.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Count > 1) Or (Outlook.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Count = 0) Then
    MsgBox "Please Select a email.", vbInformation + vbOKOnly
    Exit Sub
End If
Set xSelMails = Outlook.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
xEntryID = xSelMails.EntryID
Set xNameSpace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set xMail = xNameSpace.GetItemFromID(xEntryID)

xSendEmailAddr = xMail.SenderEmailAddress
xCompanyDomain = Right(xSendEmailAddr, Len(xSendEmailAddr) - InStr(xSendEmailAddr, "@"))
xOverwriteBln = False
Set xExcel = New Excel.Application
xExcel.Visible = False
Set xWdApp = New Word.Application
xExcel.DisplayAlerts = False
xPDFSavePath = xExcel.Application.GetSaveAsFilename(InitialFileName:="", FileFilter:="PDF Files(*.pdf),*.pdf")
If xPDFSavePath = "False" Then
    xExcel.DisplayAlerts = True
    Exit Sub
End If
xPath = Left(xPDFSavePath, InStrRev(xPDFSavePath, "\"))
cPath = xPath & xCompanyDomain & "\"
yPath = cPath & Format(Now(), "yyyy") & "\"
mPath = yPath & Format(Now(), "MMMM") & "\"
If Dir(xPath, vbDirectory) = vbNullString Then
   MkDir xPath
End If
EmailSubject = CleanFileName(xMail.Subject)
xSaveName = Format(xMail.ReceivedTime, "yyyymmdd") & "_" & EmailSubject & ".doc"
Set xFSysObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If xOverwriteBln = False Then
   xLooper = 0
  Do While xFSysObj.FileExists(yPath & xSaveName)
      xLooper = xLooper + 1
      xSaveName = Format(xMail.ReceivedTime, "yyyymmdd") & "_" & EmailSubject & "_" & xLooper & ".doc"
   If xFSysObj.FileExists(yPath & xSaveName) Then
      xFSysObj.DeleteFile yPath & xSaveName
   End If
End If
xMail.SaveAs xPath & xSaveName, olDoc
If xMail.Attachments.Count > 0 Then
   For Each atmt In xMail.Attachments
      xExt = SplitPath(atmt.filename, 2)
      If (xExt = ".docx") Or (xExt = ".doc") Or (xExt = ".docm") Or (xExt = ".dot") Or (xExt = ".dotm") Or (xExt = ".dotx") _
      Or (xExt = ".xlsx") Or (xExt = ".xls") Or (xExt = ".xlsm") Or (xExt = ".xlt") Or (xExt = ".xltm") Or (xExt = ".xltx") Then
        atmtName = CleanFileName(atmt.filename)
        atmtSave = xPath & Format(xMail.ReceivedTime, "yyyymmdd") & "_" & atmtName
        atmt.SaveAsFile atmtSave
      End If
End If
Set xNewDoc = xWdApp.Documents.Add("Normal", False, wdNewBlankDocument, False)
Set xFilesFld = xFSysObj.GetFolder(xPath)
xFileArr() = GetFiles(xPath)
For I = 0 To UBound(xFileArr()) - 1
    xExt = SplitPath(xFileArr(I), 2)
    If (xExt = ".xlsx") Or (xExt = ".xls") Or (xExt = ".xlsm") Or (xExt = ".xlt") Or _
       (xExt = ".xltm") Or (xExt = ".xltx") Then  'conver excel to word
        Set xWb = xExcel.Workbooks.Open(xPath & xFileArr(I))
        Set xTempDoc = xWdApp.Documents.Add("Normal", False, wdNewBlankDocument, False)
        Set xWs = xWb.ActiveSheet
        xTempDoc.Content.PasteAndFormat wdFormatOriginalFormatting
        xTempDoc.SaveAs2 xPath & xWs.Name + ".docx", wdFormatXMLDocument
        xWb.Close False
        Kill xPath & xFileArr(I)
        xTempDoc.Close wdDoNotSaveChanges, wdOriginalDocumentFormat, False
    End If
xExcel.DisplayAlerts = True
xFileArr() = GetFiles(xPath)
'Merge Documents
For I = 0 To UBound(xFileArr()) - 1
    xExt = SplitPath(xFileArr(I), 2)
    If (xExt = ".docx") Or (xExt = ".doc") Or (xExt = ".docm") Or (xExt = ".dot") Or _
       (xExt = ".dotm") Or (xExt = ".dotx") Then
        MergeDoc xWdApp, xPath & xFileArr(I), xNewDoc
        Kill xPath & xFileArr(I)
    End If
xNewDoc.Sections.Item(1).Range.Delete wdCharacter, 1
xNewDoc.SaveAs2 xPDFSavePath, wdFormatPDF
xNewDoc.Close wdDoNotSaveChanges, wdOriginalDocumentFormat, False
Set xMail = Nothing
Set xNameSpace = Nothing
Set xFSysObj = Nothing
MsgBox "Merged successfully", vbInformation + vbOKOnly
End Sub

Public Function SplitPath(FullPath As String, ResultFlag As Integer) As String
Dim SplitPos As Integer, DotPos As Integer
SplitPos = InStrRev(FullPath, "/")
DotPos = InStrRev(FullPath, ".")
Select Case ResultFlag
Case 0
   SplitPath = Left(FullPath, SplitPos - 1)
Case 1
   If DotPos = 0 Then DotPos = Len(FullPath) + 1
   SplitPath = Mid(FullPath, SplitPos + 1, DotPos - SplitPos - 1)
Case 2
   If DotPos = 0 Then DotPos = Len(FullPath)
   SplitPath = Mid(FullPath, DotPos)
Case Else
   Err.Raise vbObjectError + 1, "SplitPath Function", "Invalid Parameter!"
End Select
End Function
Function CleanFileName(StrText As String) As String
Dim xStripChars As String
Dim xLen As Integer
Dim I As Integer
xStripChars = "/\[]:=," & Chr(34)
xLen = Len(xStripChars)
StrText = Trim(StrText)
For I = 1 To xLen
StrText = Replace(StrText, Mid(xStripChars, I, 1), "")
CleanFileName = StrText
End Function

Function GetFiles(xFldPath As String) As String()
On Error Resume Next
Dim xFile As String
Dim xFileArr() As String
Dim xArr() As String
Dim I, x As Integer
x = 0
ReDim xFileArr(1)
xFileArr(1) = xFldPath '& "\"
xFile = Dir(xFileArr(1) & "*.*")
Do Until xFile = ""
    x = x + 1
    xFile = Dir
ReDim xArr(0 To x)
x = 0
xFile = Dir(xFileArr(1) & "*.*")
Do Until xFile = ""
    xArr(x) = xFile
    x = x + 1
    xFile = Dir
GetFiles = xArr()
End Function

Sub MergeDoc(WdApp As Word.Application, xFileName As String, Doc As Document)
Dim xNewDoc As Document
Dim xSec As Section
    Set xNewDoc = WdApp.Documents.Open(filename:=xFileName, Visible:=False)
    Set xSec = Doc.Sections.Add
    xSec.PageSetup = xNewDoc.PageSetup
    xSec.Range.PasteAndFormat wdFormatOriginalFormatting
End Sub

3. cliceáil uirlisí > tagairtí a oscailt tagairtí bosca dialóige. Seiceáil an Leabharlann Réada Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Scripting Runtime agus Leabharlann Réada Microsoft Word boscaí agus ansin cliceáil ar an OK cnaipe. Féach an pictiúr:

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4. Brúigh an F5 eochair nó cliceáil ar an Rith cnaipe chun an cód a rith. Ansin a Sábháil Mar tagann bosca dialóige aníos, sonraigh fillteán le do thoil chun an comhad a shábháil, ansin tabhair ainm don chomhad PDF agus cliceáil ar an Sábháil cnaipe. Féach an pictiúr:

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5. Ansin a Microsoft Outlook bosca dialóige aníos, cliceáil le do thoil ar an OK cnaipe.

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Anois sábhálfar an ríomhphost roghnaithe lena cheangaltáin uile i gcomhad PDF amháin.

nótaí: Ní oibríonn an script VBA seo ach le haghaidh ceangaltán Microsoft Word agus Excel.

Sábháil ríomhphoist roghnaithe go héasca mar chomhaid bhformáid dhifriúla in Outlook:

Leis an Sábháil Bulc fóntais de Kutools le haghaidh Outlook, is féidir leat comhaid ríomhphoist aonair aonair, comhad formáide TXT, doiciméad Word, comhad CSV chomh maith le comhad PDF in Outlook a shábháil mar a thaispeántar thíos. Íoslódáil an leagan saor in aisce de Kutools le haghaidh Outlook anois!

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Uirlisí Táirgiúlachta Oifige is Fearr

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Taithí a dhéanamh ar an Kutools uile-nua le haghaidh Outlook Leagan SAOR IN AISCE le 70+ gnéithe dochreidte, is féidir leatsa a úsáid go deo! Cliceáil le híoslódáil anois!

🤖 Kutools AI : Úsáideann sé ardteicneolaíocht AI chun ríomhphoist a láimhseáil gan stró, lena n-áirítear ríomhphoist a fhreagairt, a achoimriú, a bharrfheabhsú, a leathnú, a aistriú agus a chumadh.

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Díghlasáil láithreach Kutools le haghaidh Outlook le cliceáil amháin -saor go buan. Ná fan, íoslódáil anois agus cuir le d’éifeachtúlacht!

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