I use Outlook 2021 with Kutools.
Each first I restart my computer, first open of Outlook, the menu of Kutools are without text... I need close and restart outlook for return with text.
Can you tell me what is wrong .
Many uninstall and install don't resolve the problem.
I use Outlook 2021 with Kutools.
Each first I restart my computer, first open of Outlook, the menu of Kutools are without text... I need close and restart outlook for return with text.
Can you tell me what is wrong .
Many uninstall and install don't resolve the problem.
2 years ago
Just to make sure if you did it right: Did you upload files, then inserted them in the response?
As you can see in the Attachments section, there are supported file extensions. Please make sure that the case of the extension of the file you uploaded is consistent to the supported ones. Also, the file you upload should be smaller than 4MB.
Attachments (1)
2 years ago
#2706 Hi
Not possible to attach file .....
Can you check why.
Hi Jerome,
Just to make sure if you did it right: Did you upload files, then inserted them in the response?
2 years ago
#2687 Hi
Thanks for reply.
I have download and install the new version.
It's ok for emplty texte at first starting of outlook (it was ok before because I have completly reset my computer (windows 11) and install all after.
Just one point is trange, but I have this before, it's a same menu many time (check creenshot)
Another thing, it's the version display... Normaly this is v15.... he show 8.10:
Best regards
Hi Jerome,
Sorry that I cannot see the attachement. Did you accidently remove it after you inserted the attachment?
2 years ago
#2684 Hi
Thanks for reply.
I have download and install the new version.
It's ok for emplty texte at first starting of outlook (it was ok before because I have completly reset my computer (windows 11) and install all after.
Just one point is trange, but I have this before, it's a same menu many time (check creenshot)
Another thing, it's the version display... Normaly this is v15.... he show 8.10:
Best regards
Thanks for reply.
I have download and install the new version.
It's ok for emplty texte at first starting of outlook (it was ok before because I have completly reset my computer (windows 11) and install all after.
Just one point is trange, but I have this before, it's a same menu many time (check creenshot)
Another thing, it's the version display... Normaly this is v15.... he show 8.10:
Best regards
2 years ago
#2681 Hi DBX,
We launched a new version for the Kutools for Outlook today, could you please kindly try to download this one and see if it solves the problem?
We launched a new version for the Kutools for Outlook today, could you please kindly try to download this one and see if it solves the problem?
2 years ago
#2573 Hi
Have you any news about my problem ?
Sorry that there are currently no news about the problem. We are trying to reproduce the bug here in our computer, however no luck yet.
So, please wait patiently, I will send you the solution once we have it.
2 years ago
#2546 sorry for repeat messages... I think I have a problem for send it...
It's ok.
I already sent the information to our development team, please wait patiently.
If you find some other information that may cause the problem, please do send me.
Thanks in advance.
I have find one thing strange:
I close/open outlook, the setings are:
What do you think ?
I have many same menu but just one is display.
May be because I have install/uninstall many time, I have meny time the same menu ?
Can you tell me how the remove correctly for have a clean install ?
Thanks for your help
I have find one thing strange:
I close/open outlook, the setings are:
What do you think ?
I have many same menu but just one is display.
May be because I have install/uninstall many time, I have meny time the same menu ?
Can you tell me how the remove correctly for have a clean install ?
Thanks for your help
Thanks but it's same. Problem stay
I have uninstall and install the new prog.
Following the screeshot:
Thanks but it's same. Problem stay

I have uninstall and install the new prog.
Following the screeshot:
Attachments (3)
I use Microsoft anti virus.
Deactived don't change the problem...
Another idea ?
Sorry, please try this version https://download.extendoffice.com/downloads/OutlookKutools.Inno.exe

2 years ago
#2511 Hi DBX,
Do you have any antivirus programs on? If yes, please try to turn them off and try again.
Sorry for the trouble.
Do you have any antivirus programs on? If yes, please try to turn them off and try again.
Sorry for the trouble.
Thanks for you answer but change the language don't resolve my problem.
As following the screenshot show, all text are missing.
I must close/restart outlook 2021 for have the text.
I have try and change the default text by english, auto detect, and return to my original language (french), it's same. Each restart of my computer, first open of outlook, all text are missing...
What can I do ?
As following the screenshot show, all text are missing.
I must close/restart outlook 2021 for have the text.
I have try and change the default text by english, auto detect, and return to my original language (french), it's same. Each restart of my computer, first open of outlook, all text are missing...
What can I do ?
Attachments (2)
Please try to take a look at the language options.
Please try to take a look at the language options.

Attachments (1)
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